Academic Tutoring Services
Improve learning with the best Academic Tutors
There are many different types of tutoring, like peer tutoring programs and tutoring centers that offer academic support. However, At Sentry Tutors, our students’ learning comes from great instructional techniques and repetition to help boost skill retention levels. Therefore, the difference in private tutoring sessions from a company like ours is that 1-to-1 tutoring offers tailored sessions for students’ individual needs.
We know that the best tutoring aims to help with positive reinforcement so students gain the skills needed to become Independent Learners. Furthermore, the top tutors know that doing a student’s homework or other assignments will only harm their learning. So, Instead, our tutors will give more challenges to students, so they apply themselves while building an understanding of concepts missed.
As time goes on, the benefits students will get from tutoring will help them learn more efficiently and strengthen their understanding of lessons while they practice skills. But, to achieve proficiency, our academic tutors often give additional practice than they received in school. Ultimately, The students earn their desired results of raising their academic performance with increased retention from the practice and work. After all, The best way to learn is by making mistakes and understanding how to do the skill correctly.
Academic Tutors Vs. Standard Tutors
Academic tutoring is a combination of academic coaching and traditional tutoring. But how do the two types of academic support work together? To answer the question, we need to understand each one separately. Often when students struggle with their school work or want to learn more, they ask for a tutor. Traditional tutors help students with a specific subject or topic because the student has performed poorly and needs help with homework. At the same time, tutors are often individuals specialized in specific academic study areas and build upon concrete skills with the students. However, traditional tutors frequently do not focus on the root causes of a student’s struggles.
On the other hand, academic coaching aims to teach students how to become effective learners. Often a coach analyzes a student’s needs to identify the areas to improve that will help boost a student’s school performance. Simply put, it supports students in raising their overall learning process. So, by blending the two education support positions, we have an academic tutor. Our academic tutors put it all together to produce increased results in the education of their students. Therefore, students receive substantial subject help and learn how to approach school and valuable tools to help them tackle challenges in the future.

What is an academic tutor?
An academic tutor is a type of academic coach or mentor who has higher education to help students with their academics. This form of tutoring with us involves a collaborative approach where tutors work with students while assisting them with learning and how to study in individual courses to help them gain knowledge and succeed in school. Often by learning the lessons in steps with the right tools for academic success.
That includes study skills, time management, stress management, effective reading, note-taking, and test-taking strategies. In addition, the academic tutors meet with students regularly and work with students in many unique situations, rather they are struggling or trying to learn more.

Why choose us for your academic tutoring needs?
At Sentry Tutors, Our company's mission is to match students and faculty correctly to deliver the best online or in-person tutoring services. In addition, we strive to strengthen the skills of students with engagement and motivation in sessions. This way, at Sentry Tutors, we can ensure students will get the best tutoring and possible whit great outcomes. Our tutors work hard for their students with the learning and to increase school performance through our dedicated services.
We also reduce the difficulty of finding great tutors and knowing the education and background of the person working as a tutor. That is why we only hire the highly trained individuals in college or those who have undergraduate or graduate degrees. Furthermore, our tutors get thoroughly interviewed and vetted for their skills and professionalism.
After all, students want only the best help, and we help students go farther than they ever imagined. So, whether the student is in high school in need of a tutor to do test prep and earn good act scores, or even if they are in an elementary school working on reading and writing, we are the tutors who help the students thrive.
Students achieve more with Academic Tutoring.
Students get more covered in academic tutoring because tutors cover functioning skills and provide subject help. You can benefit from our tutoring, which can cover one or more of the 1000s of academic subjects and topics. At the same time, you will learn skills that help you with executive functioning to help you study and learn better.Â
Professional academic tutors will focus on critical skills to strengthen students academically. Although, we help to identify weaknesses first to know how to help you best. This process assists us in tailoring sessions for you to get individualized support. We help students in many subject areas, such as computer science, liberal arts, social work degree programs, math tutoring, and many more.Â
Six tips to boost your learning ability
Plan for Success
Tutors help create plans so students can stay focused on their lessons and develop study habits and routines to improve retention. This plan includes doing weekly reviews to keep current on their academic progress.
Be An Active Learner
Being active includes participating and taking notes in the classroom or from textbooks. This will allow students to utilize them for study times, whether it is with a tutor or on their own.
Study Better, Not Harder
Students learn how to make practical study guides and even flashcards so they quiz themselves later. By doing this, they will have the necessary materials to use when studying independently.
Change Study Habits
Tutors help students need to mix it up when studying to develop a better process and information recall. They also need to take breaks for at least a 10-minutes every hour when studying to lessen mental fatigue.
Learn More by doing
Personal development is boosted by forming questions and finding answers for them. Therefore, students should dig deeper to build more understanding of skills and their applications.
Practice, Practice, and Practice
Remember, making mistakes is ok because it’s only natural when learning new skills. We learn by making mistakes during practice, as long as we know how to prevent them in the future from practicing more.